So I definitely need to rearrange my life as I know it. I need to find more time to blog. Any who, as I told you I would, I entered a competition in hopes of winning a scholarship. My plates came out well, I did in fact submit beef strip loin sliders as well as seared lamb chops. And of course I have pictures!!! Today I received an update on the competition, however I'm not too thrilled. My strip loin sliders placed fourth overall, which is a good thing, but a scholarship would have been beneficial to my college career. I am still glad that I was able to participate in the competition because I did get experience in such a thing.

As far as the cupcakes I discussed, I will not be making them either. I'm fine with that, though because this will give me more time to practice. I want to be able to put anything on a cupcake if I want to. Plus my big sister (little sister) wants leopard print cupcakes...so you know I can't let her down. As usual, I had to make valentine's day goodies, although I'm not a valentine's day person. I made "bittersweet valentine cookies as well as some personalized valentine cookies for my friends. I used song titles (specifically rap songs) that they like. I also did some practice cookies for myself...you know the usual (eye♥ursole, adidas, love peace and cupcakes etc). I practiced my animal print, which I think is sooo cool. The cookies came out great. I want to make a portfolio, to show all of the things I've done thus far. I think during school, a good way to make money is to do custum made cookies. People would like them as gifts as well as for special occasions. I also want to do cupcakes, but I think I would need to practice more with that first.
As for my life outside of school, I am at a loss for words...stress seems to live in my bed. Everyday I seem to wake up with a new problem. Because of this, I have decided that prior to my 20th birthday, I will make a few changes for the better. My theory is that these changes will reduce my stress level.
I've still been looking for a job, but I haven't been very successful. At this point I will work anywhere. I have an information session with a company tomorrow, and I have recieved a few replies to my resume. Prayerfully, something will work in my favor.
The school term for me is ending soon, which is good. I started Classical French Cuisine today, which doesnt seem too bad..or at least as bad as they make it seem. I am excited because the food that we make in the class is delicious! The kitchen is run in a brigade system which means that each person is in charge of a specific thing. This is good because, it keeps people focused on their task. We have to learn French vocabulary, which is good too because it may help us later on. I will be sure to fill you in on that as well as this job hunting fiasco. Until then.....love, peace, and cupcakes!
I haven't grilled lambchops all year. After reading this I'm sure I'll end up at Publix sometime this week buying lambchops. I like to paint mine lightly with honey dijon mustard and sprinkle brown sugar over them. One of the things I like about grilling them is the fact that they grill quickly and with the mustard and brown sugar, they'll make your tongue slap your brains clean out!!!